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Our Vision: A radiation-free early breast cancer detection using only a single blood sample.

At Earlytrace, we are developing an early breast cancer detection solution that leverages artificial intelligence and blood biomarkers analysis.

Our Vision

Screening for breast cancer

with a blood sample.

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Innovative Biomarker Approach

In several recent scientific papers it is suggested, that certain blood biomarkers may be useful to identify early signs of breast cancer.

Detecting cancer-specific biomarkers in the patient's blood combined with AI leeds to early intervention, increasing the chances of successful treatment.

Simple, Non-Invasive Process

Our radiation-free AI-powered analysis, using just a blood sample, delivers an output for which our scientifc work suggests it is correlated with breast cancer presence.

Early Intervention

The entire analysis process aims to take 2 weeks, from the arrival of the blood sample at the specialised earlytrace laboratory to the availability of the result.


Marc Mausch

Physicist, currently working at the University Hospital of Tübingen at the Research Group of Methods of Medical Informatics. He has more than 20 years of technology business experience across several industries, and successfully founded and established a Telemed company.

Julia Wagner

Holds an MA in Organizational Development and Human Resources and is the head of the Digital Customer Services Channels unit of one of the five biggest German public health insurances. During the pandemic, she worked at the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Health to support with her deep healthcare organization knowledge.


1- for Europe only source: Institutional agency for research cancer (WHO).

2- Europe only. EE is leading with 51%, and SE = 31%. Int J Cancer. 2021 Jan 15; 148(2): 406–418. Published online 2020 Jul 30. doi: 10.1002/ijc.3320

3- Europe only with 100% coverage, 12 434 additional breast cancer deaths could be prevented annually. source: PubMed- www.ncbi.nlm.nih

1 in 8

Breast cancer diagnosis in a women’s lifetime¹


Combined Breast cancer screening deficit in Europe. EE at 51%²


# mortality reduction with early screening availability per year³

Impact of early breast cancer detection solution

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